Welcome to Focused Samurai's Project.
Hi, there! I am Andrias Meisyal. This is my project home page called Focused Samurai's Project. "Focused Samurai" is taken from my blog name. In this page, you will find a list of my projects.
Projects that I have been working on:
- MIM MIM stands for mobile inventory manager. It's a mobile application for managing inventory in small shop. MIM includes inventory management, ordering, sales, customer data, and statistic.
- staruml-ruby staruml-ruby is a Ruby extension for StarUML. This extension helps you to generate Ruby code from a UML class diagram.
- sastrawi-ruby sastrawi-ruby is a Ruby library which allows you to stem words in Bahasa Indonesia.
Feel free to contact me via e-mail, send your message to andrias@meisyal.web.id.